Shana Yunsheng Li

Ph.D. Student at
Department of Mathematics
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


Pronoun: She/Her

My Blåhaj

Brief Introduction

Before my Ph.D. studies, I obtained my bachelor's and master's degrees both at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech).
During my master's studies, I was advised by Stavros Garoufalidis.

Generally speaking, my research interest can be best described by the following set of keywords:

Mathematical Physics; Low-dimensional Topology; Quantum Topology; Knot Theory.

Curriculum Vitae

in PDF


Title Year
Patterns of the \(V_2\)-polynomial of knots 2024
Abstract: Recently, Kashaev and the first author defined a sequence \(V_n\) of \(2\)-variable knot polynomials with integer coefficients, coming from the \(R\)-matrix of a rank \(2\) Nichols algebra, the first polynomial been identified with the Links-Gould polynomial. In this note we present the results of the computation of the \(V_n\) polynomials for \(n=1,2,3,4\) and discover applications and emerging patterns, including unexpected Conway mutations that seem undetected by the \(V_n\)-polynomials as well as by Heegaard Floer Homology and Knot Floer Homology.
Joint work with Stavros Garoufalidis. arXiv:2409.03557 .
Related Talk: Patterns or conspiracy theories of knots by Stavros Garoufalidis at Conference on Recent Developments in Topological Quantum Field Theory, BIMSA.
Algebraic aspects of holomorphic quantum modular forms 2024
Abstract: Matrix-valued holomorphic quantum modular forms are intricate objects that arise in successive refinements of the Volume Conjecture of knots and involve three holomorphic, asymptotic and arithmetic objects. It is expected that the algebraic properties of these objects can be deduced from the algebraic properties of descendant state integrals, and we illustrate this for the case of the \((-2,3,7)\)-pretzel knot.
Joint work with Ni An and Stavros Garoufalidis. Research in Mathematical Sciences 11, 54 (2024). arXiv:2403.02880 .


Title Year
Notes of Zelmanov's Algebraic Lectures 2023
Taken by me based on the contents of the lectures given by Prof. Efim Zelmanov in 2023 Spring at SUSTech. The topics include Gröebner-Shirshov bases theorem, Wreath product, Burnside's problems, rings of fractions and ultraproducts.
A Review From Manifolds to Basic de Rham Theory 2021
A quick and compact review of basic notions of smooth manifolds and a beginning of de Rham theory. Served as a preliminary material in the reading seminar of Bott & Tu's Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology.


Title Year
On the Quantum Modularity Conjecture for Knots 2024
My master's thesis.

Abstract: Quantum topology is considered to be initiated by the discovery of the Jones polynomial in 1984, followed with observations of numerous links to physics. In the late '80s, Atiyah, Segal, and Witten established an intrinsic definition of the Jones polynomial using \(\text{SU}(2)\) Chern-Simons theory, revealing the rich connections of the Jones polynomial with the physical world. Successive findings around the Jones polynomial emerged, including one famous conjecture that is the main topic of this thesis, the Quantum Modularity Conjecture.
In 1995, R. Kashaev introduced a knot invariant using the quantum dilogarithm function, which for a hyperbolic knot K is conjectured to have an exponential growth rate, a conjecture known as the Volume Conjecture. In 2001, H. Murakami and J. Murakami discovered that Kashaev's invariant is equal to the value of the \(N\)-colored Jones polynomial at \(N\)-th roots of the unity. With this, D. Zagier observed a modular relation between the values of the \(N\)-colored Jones polynomial at different roots of the unity and extended the statement of Volume Conjecture to a modular relation of the functions. The extended statement is known as the Quantum Modularity Conjecture (QMC).
More recently, J. E. Andersen and R. Kashaev introduced the Teichmuller TQFT based on Chern-Simons theory with infinite dimensional gauge groups, promoting the quantum Teichmuller theory to a TQFT of categroids. On further investigation into values of the Teichmuller TQFT on knot complements of the \(4_1\) knot and the \(5_2\) knot, S. Garoufalidis and D. Zagier discovered phenomena suggesting deep relationships between the state integral from the Teichmuller TQFT and QMC. Furthermore, their observation also suggested rich connections with several other topics, such as the Dimofte-Gaiotto-Gukov index and the quantum spin network.
This thesis will mainly focus on introducing the construction of the Teichmuller TQFT and the contents of QMC, and demonstrate their connections by listing the observations made by S. Garoufalidis and D. Zagier and more recent results along with elementary proofs for some of them from joint work of the author, N. An and S. Garoufalidis.
Foundation of Supergeometry and Its Application in Mathematical Physics 2022
My bachelor's thesis.

Abstract: Supergeometry is a natural extension of the theory of differential geometry, which enjoys values on its own right as a purely mathematical object, and also turns out to be useful in physics: it gives a model of spacetime that unifies quantum science and gravity, the string theory. The first part of this thesis gives a detailed and mathematically strict introduction to supergeometry, rearranged from the lecture notes by Covolo and Poncin, the paper of Leites and the notes by Deligne and Morgan. The second part focuses on an explicit discussion on the important example \(\underline{\text{SMan}}(R^{0|\delta},X)\) and outlines a corresponding proof of the Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem, following Berwick-Evans’ work.

Seminars and Teachings

Event Year
Seminar talk at the Graduate Topology Seminar (SUSTech) .
Topic: The Teichmüller TQFT and the Quantum Modularity Conjecture.
Teaching assistant of MA109 (Advanced Linear Algebra). 2022
Reading seminar of Bott & Tu's Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology. Homepage 2021
Reading seminar of Riehl's Category Theory in Context. 2019


Popular Science Posts

I have several Chinese posts on Zhihu, leaning towards popular science aspects of math. Some of them are extracted from my notes and thesis.
Post Remark
(Why do we use sheaves to re-define differential manifolds?)
Explaining the advantages of sheaf language in the study of geometric objects, for beginners in differential manifolds.
(Why do we define the concept of differential manifolds, what is the motivation?)
Explaining the common partern of development of mathematics, for junior undergraduate students.
为什么四面体的体积公式不存在初等证明?- 希尔伯特第三问题
(Why there does not exist an elementary proof for the volume formula of tetrahedrons? - Hilbert's Third Problem)
Extracted from my Notes of Zelmanov's Algebraic Lectures, Lecture 17.
(How does topology characterize continuity?)
Short article for beginners in topology.
(Universal property of rings of smooth functions on tangent bundles of manifolds)
Extracted from my Undergraduate Thesis , Appendix B.
(What is "geometry" in modern mathematics?)
Very short article depicting the "big picture" of geometry (to my understanding at that time), for senior undergraduate students.


I'm also semi-professional in piano performance. During my life at SUSTech, I've participated in multiple concerts and masterclasses. Some of them are listed below:
Piano Performance Year
Debussy: Rêverie, L. 68 at Steinway Garden in Shenzhen Concert Hall 2023
Zhangshuai: Three Preludes, No.1 at Shenzhen Concert Hall 2022
Zhangshuai: Three Preludes, No.1 at Steinway Garden in Shenzhen Concert Hall 2021
Lang Lang's Piano Masterclass at SUSTech 10th Anniversary 2020
Haochen Zhang's Piano Masterclass 2019